Plus Ethics presents papers related to the UNCOVER project at Conferences in Europe.

November 22 and 26, 2021 Plus Ethics participated online in the XIII Spanish Congress of Criminology, which took place online and also in Seville, Spain.

The papers were presented to Academics and LEAs and talked about how to identify misinformation in social networks through metadata, written by Fernando Miró-Llinares, and the second was about how to Investigate cybercrime in Europe through the correct ethical questions, by Francisco J. Castro-Toledo. Information can be found at:

Plus Ethics also published two articles related to UNCOVER’s activities at the 21st Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology which took place on September 8 and 10, 2021. The first paper was on the ethical limits of covert surveillance in cybercrime research and the use of honeypots, by Francisco Castro-Toledo. And the second on how to identify disclosure of child sexual abuse on Twitter through the #Me-TooInceste case, written by Fernando Miró-Llinares.

Information at:

These dissemination activities are part of the UNCOVER project deliverables, and the partner institutions have organized a series of activities to promote the project and disseminate the results.