UNCOVER Summer School and Capture the Flag Event

UNCOVER Summer School and Capture the Flag Event

From the 4th to the 8th of September 2023, the UNCOVER project promoted a Summer School and a Capture the Flag Event in Prague, Czechia.

The event was aimed at Law Enforcement Agents (LEAs) and PhD students (with information technology background) to develop skills in steganography, learn new digital media steganalysis techniques and develop an efficient framework to discover hidden data in digital media!

The event was a combination of a short-term educational program covering a wide range of disciplines and lectures combined with practical activities, workshops and social events, which allowed students, researchers and professionals the opportunity to learn new skills, deepen their knowledge and interact with peers and experts in the field of cybersecurity.

The aim of the Summer School was to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges of steganography and equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to be used at an operational level, particularly in their digital investigations.

The purpose of Capture the Flag was to promote a computer security competition where participants worked in teams to solve a variety of cybersecurity challenges and find hidden data called “flags”. Thus, the participants put into practice the skills and knowledge learned in the training, applying different approaches.