Uncover Training Package

Steganography Principles and Practices : Hiding data into media

This class introduces the concept and principles of steganography, which is the art of hiding information in plain sight. It focuses on the techniques and challenges of hiding information in uncompressed media.

JPEG Images for Steganography and Steganalysis

This class explains how JPEG compression works and why it is widely used for digital images. It covers the steps and algorithms involved in JPEG compression and how it is used for steganography and steganalysis.

First step into Steganalysis : Visual inspections and simple detectors

This class introduces the concept and principles of steganalysis, which is the science of detecting and extracting hidden information in digital media. 

Sample Pair Steganalysis for LSB Substitution

This class covers some of the advanced methods for steganalysis, such as weighted stego image, weighted stego JPEG, and sample pair analysis. These methods are based on statistical analysis of pixel values, coefficients, or pairs in digital media.

Digital Forensics: Methods and Tools for Extracting Information from Digital Media

This class provides an overview of digital forensics, which is the application of scientific methods and techniques to collect, preserve, analyze, and present digital evidence. 

File Formats: An Overview of Audio, Text, and Video Formats

This class gives an overview of the different file formats that are used for audio, text, and video data. It explains how these formats store and encode data and the implications for steganography and steganalysis.

Coding in Steganography

This class introduces code-based steganography, which is a type of steganography that uses error-correcting codes to embed information in digital media.

Steganography with Public Keys

This class introduces public-key steganography, which is a type of steganography that uses public-key cryptography to encrypt and embed information in digital media. 

Robust Steganography

This class covers robust steganography and steganalysis, which are related to the resistance of hidden information to various attacks or modifications. It discusses the challenges and solutions for robust steganography and steganalysis.

Audio Steganography & Steganalysis

This class covers audio steganography and steganalysis, which are related to hiding information in audio data. It presents the techniques and applications of audio steganography and steganalysis.

Text Steganography & Steganalysis

This class covers text steganography and steganalysis, which are related to hiding information in text data. It presents the techniques and applications of text steganography and steganalysis.

Password Recovery and Other Topics in Digital Media Security

This class covers password recovery and other topics in digital media security, such as encryption schemes, authentication protocols, or malware analysis.

Operational Challenges: Steganography in Malware

This presentation provides an overview of the operational challenges that steganography poses for malware analysis and detection.